Links for each week’s lessons will be made live every Friday. Zoom meetings will happen weekly on Sundays at 4:30 PM EDT (New York time) the first weekend, and 4PM after that. They’re a wonderful place to share work, ask questions, and connect with everyone in the class. You can email me at any point during the week if you’re stuck. Our private Facebook group is another good place to ask questions and post work in progress pictures.
You can find your time zone here using this time zone converter.
*I ask that everyone please respect that teaching is my livelihood, and how I support my family. I’ve put my heart and countless hours into creating this class for you; passwords and PDFS are not shared with anyone who has not registered for the course..
Week 1
Week 2
Week 1/3
Week 2/4
Week 3/5
Week 4/6
Lesson 12 - Needle felting a headpiece