~ Finn ~
Cut out a triangle of wool felt and wrap around your faeries head to measure. Trim off any excess.
This boy’s trousers are made from a lovely hand-dyed cotton from a village in Romania. Fold in half trim up the centre, then stitch side seam and inseam.
Stitch in place at the back and tack around your faeries face with a few stitches. Sew up the back with a ladder or blanket stitch.
Flip right side out and put them on your faerie.
If you want to scrunch the hat up, bring your needle in through the felt from the front to the tip of the hat and pull the thread to gather, then tie off with a stitch knot.
Sew a running stitch around the waist to gather.
The top is cut from a vintage tea dyed hankie. Trim about 1 cm down at the centre fold for your arm hole.
Flip the top right side out and carefully pull onto your faerie.
Fold the edge in and sew a tiny running stitch around.
Pull your sleeve on with the gathered edge at the shoulder. Sew a ladder stitch (or whatever you would like) around, attaching your sleeve.
These were sewn right through the faerie.
His vest is made from a wool felt sheet. This is my standard vest pattern, I eyeball it for size and then hold it up to the faerie and trim anywhere it needs.
Turn right side out and press the seams flat with your fingers.
Fold in half and stitch the side seam up to 1 cm below the edge for second arm hole. Stitch the shoulders closed leaving enough room for your neck. You will need to make a small cut down the centre back so that the top will fit over your faerie’s head.
Stitch the little cut at back closed.
Gather slightly and tie off.
Do the same for the other sleeve. You can fold the raw edge in at the neck and finish off with a blanket stitch or running stitch. If the top keeps sliding up too far tack it in place around the neck.
Using a piece of torn cotton for a wee sash.
I use a tiny blanket stitch for my seams.
You can embroider it. I ran a tiny blanket stitch all the way around and then stitched some little acorns and vines.
The sleeves are made from two squares of the same hankie folded in half and stitched.
Flip the sleeves right side out.
Fold the raw edge of the arm hole inside.
You can add tiny french knots for buttons.
Sew up the sides and the shoulder seams.
I used another piece of torn cotton to tie around his hat, giving him for of a raggle-taggle feel.